2024 DCA Tech Awards

At DCA, we believe that sharing our success is one of the most rewarding things we do. As a firm focused on the Educational Sector, we strive to align our philanthropic efforts with our professional practice. This year, we proudly continued our tradition of supporting student success through our DCA Technology Awards, which provide deserving middle and high school students with essential technology tools to aid their educational journeys.

The DCA Technology Awards include valuable items such as Apple Laptops, PC Laptops, Chromebooks, and Apple iPads. This year, we had the privilege of awarding 14 scholarships to outstanding students across 10 school districts in Northern California. Our dedicated DCA team attended each award ceremony to personally present these technology tools to the stellar students. It was a joy for each representative to witness the excitement and gratitude of these young minds as they received the tools that will help them excel in their studies.

We are absolutely honored to support students who have shown dedication to their education. It is our firm belief that providing access to technology can make a significant difference in a student’s academic experience. We are committed to continuing this tradition of support and celebration for years to come, ensuring that more students have the resources they need to succeed. At DCA, we recognize that investing in the next generation is not just a responsibility but a privilege, and we look forward to seeing the incredible achievements these students will undoubtedly accomplish.