DCA is always on the lookout for talented individuals to join our team of top-notch professionals. We hire architects, project managers, designers, drafters, engineers, administrative support staff, and many other roles you would expect. We welcome your interest in our firm and are eager to find top talent.
At DCA, we believe the most important part of our company is our dedicated team of talented professionals. Our team enables us to grow and serve our clients to the highest degree. We are committed to helping all our team members grow professionally through individual professional development plans, professional mentoring, funding, and time away from the office to pursue growth opportunities.
Along with competitive compensation and benefits packages, DCA offers a 401K Safe Harbor Plan, annual profit sharing, and performance bonuses. We believe in sharing our success with the team that makes it all possible.
We also understand the importance of enjoying time with our team and their families. In addition to holiday parties and outings to see the Oakland A’s, San Jose Sharks, and Sacramento Kings, we hold an annual DCA family fun days. The photo below is from our 2018 Bocce tournament – a fun-filled day with our colleagues and their families.